
Showing posts from July, 2017

Decisions Made

For the past few months, Tony and I have been toying with the idea of homeschool. We went to the Homeschool Conference in Winston-Salem back in May. We got many questions answered and came up with many more questions to ask. I kept researching. We actually planned out what curriculum we would use. We talked to the family about it. Not all of them are 100% sure it would be the best thing for The Princess, but they all said, "You have to do what you feel is best." We talked to The Princess about it. She wasn't 100% on-board. We weighed pros and cons. In some cases, we even wrote them down because the discussions got a little deep (aka loud!). We finally made a decision. On September 1, 2017, The Princess will proudly begin taking classes at Boundless Triumphs Academy--our newly registered (and approved by the state) homeschool!  After much prayer, thinking, planning, talking, discussing, and weighing options, the three of us (Tony, The Princess, and I) hav...

A Different Anniversary

One year ago today.... just 365 days ago, I was lying in my bed and couldn't move. I couldn't sit up because my head hurt too badly. I couldn't eat because I couldn't keep anything down. Tomorrow marks a year since I ended up in the hospital because of it. I wish I could say that the headaches are gone. They are NOT! In all honesty, I missed church on Sunday because my head was hurting so badly that everything was spinning. I have actually had a headache EVERY DAY for the past year. Some days, it's tolerable. Other days, I cry a lot. I am so tired of it, that I finally called this morning and made an appointment at the doctor's office. I have no idea what she's going to do.... probably send me for the same tests I've had 5 times already.... but maybe they can figure it out. My surgeon suggested, when I went in for my 2 year post-surgery visit there, that I ask my doctor about Botox.  That has shown some promise for migraines.  (But.... ...