A Toilet in the Road
Obviously, I wish I had a picture of this. If I had not been driving the car, I WOULD have a picture of it. After leaving my parents' house on August 19, I went my new usual way home. (The easy way is detoured. They are taking out 2 bridges at the same time; therefore, I get to drive the scenic route to get everywhere!) Anyways, there is one really busy, very big intersection between my house and my parents' (a few smaller ones too!). I got stopped at the light. There were 2-3 cars in front of me, all going straight. I noticed that everyone was going slowly through the light, but I couldn't see anything. I saw the white SUV 2 cars in front of me go up on the curb to get through. It looked like he had tried to turn into on-coming traffic and then changed his mind. Then the car in front of me changed lanes, and I saw it. A TOILET!! It was busted. The bowl was almost in-tact, but the rest was in chunks. So I, too, had to drive almost up on the curb to pass it. I...