Spring Break—Day 2

Yesterday, I ended up getting up WAY TOO EARLY.  However, I did go back to bed for a little bit.  My Princess woke up at 11am yesterday! Smile 


Today, I slept until 7am!  I was hoping for 8 or 8:30 every day!  But, 7 is an extra 3 hours.  This summer, I will get more sleep.  I just have to get used to sleeping through Tony’s alarm.  (I can’t do that in a week because I will sleep through my alarm on Monday, if I do!)


The Princess is still asleep this morning.  When she gets up, we are going to eat breakfast (or lunch-fast, if it’s 11am again!)!!  Then we are going to work on her room.  Since we moved, we have not finished organizing stuff.  Plus, she has lots of clothes that are getting too small that I need to get out of the drawers. 


Added motivation: If she cleans her room, her cousin can come stay over either tonight or tomorrow night! Smile  (She might actually get some work done with that motivator!) 


Maybe tomorrow we will work on the play room.  Then we will be almost finished with the upstairs! Smile


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