Back to normal...Whatever that is!!

As you can tell by my being here to write this, I survived being a "single mom" for a week. It's nothing I want to do permanently; that's for sure! Chasity and I made it through the week without any major injuries.

We also made it through Thanksgiving. Wow! Ever since two of the largest families in the church combined through marriage in July, Thanksgiving has gotten huge! I remember when we all went to my Grandmother's house for Thanksgiving. That tradition ended when she had to be put in to a nursing home. Then we went to Mom's house for Thanksgiving. However that most of the family (except my brother's in-laws) are together all at one time, we have a HUGE get together... at the church fellowship hall.

It works out well though. The kids have room to run and play--inside and out. This year there was a ping pong table set up, so we all played that. (Most of us lost miserably to my brother!) Then after lunch, we all played BUZZWORD! That's a very interesting game! We played it at my mom's house last year at Christmas. I hope we will do that again this year too!

So now... after being a "single mom" for a week and the following week having Thanksgiving, everything is getting back to normal. Tony is working near home! I'm finishing up the semester and getting ready to work at the daycare through Christmas break! Chasity only has 2 weeks of dance left for 2008 and 3 weeks of school. She's counting down days!

I hope that we can get the Christmas tree and lights and stuff up tonight. If we do, I'll try to get a picture of it up here. Our tree is nothing if it isn't interesting. Tony has his Dallas Cowboys stuff. I have my Washington Redskins stuff. We share Carolina Panthers stuff. Chasity has her DORA the EXPLORER stuff. Our tree came from Tony's mom when she passed a few years back, so we will probably keep this tree until the artifical limbs fall off....literally!

I'm glad that things are back to normal.... whatever that is!

So.... until next time....


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