What is YOUR Cardboard Testimony??

I just found this awesome video. A friend of mine put it on FACEBOOK. I can't seem to figure out where to get the code to put the video on here. So, I have the address for it.

The video is called "Cardboard Testimonies". What would your Cardboard Testimony be? Mine? Mine is easy... "Raised with the Head-knowledge of being a Christian" (front) "Daily seeking Heart-knowledge from God" (back)

Please leave a comment to tell me what your Cardboard Testimony would be.

Until next time........


Ohilda said…
Hi Leslie,

No. He has NOT signed the FOCA bill yet. That is sitting in Congress and will be turned over to him for signing around the 26th of January.

What he DID sign today was a "reversal of a ban (placed by President Bush) on federal funding for non-governmental organizations working outside the U.S. that offer abortions or abortion counseling."

Therefore, now our taxpayers money could go to assist non-governmental agencies that perform abortions.

Here's a link to what he signed. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/first100days/2009/01/21/obama-lift-ban-funding-groups-providing-abortions-overseas/
Anonymous said…
I liked the video. I haven't saw those before. I also like what your would say. But I can't decide what mine would say yet, lol. I will have to get back to you. (And I will)
Hey Leslie!

Thanks for those lyrics. No kiddin, I JUST heard that song on the radio and thought, "That would be an awesome one for the playlist!"
I found your page through Forever Folding Laundry; nice blog!

I love this video; I could watch it over and over. The way to embed it in your post is to click the text code next to Embed, in the gray box on the top right side of the Youtube page and copy it into your post in the part of blogger where you type the post. When you paste it, it will show up as a big bunch of code, but when you hit Publish the video shows up in your post. Not all the youtube videos have an embed code though, but most do.

My cardboard testimony would be something to the effect of attempted suicide in childhood, flipped to mother of 3 children. It is downright AMAZING what God can do when you surrender your life to Him.

Blessings, Carolynn
Ohilda said…
Hey Leslie! I didn't have your email address so I'm posting here.

Your assigned letter is "C".

Have fun!!

Hi Leslie-

I wanted to stop by and say hello and thank you for visiting my blog!! I look forward to catching up on yours, and I LOVE the poetry blog! I have never had the gift for poetry and it always fascinates me!!!!


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