Back in line....

*Deep Breath In*

So I have sort of gotten things back in line. I'm caught up on my homework for my UNCC online class. I am almost caught up on my homework for my RCCC online class. I am desperately trying to catch up on my homework for my UNCC face-to-face class. I have to finish the book I started (was supposed to read for last week) and I have to read the book that was assigned for this week. Then next week, I have two books assigned. I haven't looked at those yet, so I'm hoping they are short books!

However, today Chasity has baseball practice, so I might get some reading done there....while she's practicing!

It's kind of nice to start catching up. I have less than 8 weeks left before I am DONE for the semester! I'm excited!

Until next time........


Mamarazzi said…
i admire any mama who is taking classes while raising their kids. what an example you are to your kids!!

thanks for stopping by my blog today!
Lynne said…
Congratulations on how far you've come. I think it is great!
Anonymous said…
You have an award waiting for you at my blog!

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