Not Me Monday....on Tuesday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Although it is now Tuesday, I'm sure everyone knows that I forgot my Not Me Monday! on Monday! So, I can't even deny that! Unfortunately....

However...I have a few things that I would like to get off my chest!

First, it was not me who threatened, yes...THREATENED, to go to the assisted living center where my mom's mother is living to break some people. I would never say that I would jerk a knot in their tails if they don't straighten up. I never said I'd make them cry if they don't start taking care of my Grandma! I promise I never once told my mom that I would start getting people fired if they didn't watch out up there. Of course, I will take credit for being totally aggrivated that they aren't taking really good care of Gma!

Second, it was not me who smiled when I was informed that a lady (whom I don't really care for) may not be working at the day care much longer. My mom runs the daycare for our church. My child was the first child enrolled and she was in the first "graduating" class...with 3 other charter members! I did not do the "happy dance" when I was told that there is a chance that said lady will have her hours cut. Of course, I wasn't the one who ratted her out (this time) either!

Third, it was not me who totally had to REpreapre devotions for the ladies' meeting at church last night. I did not plan something over a month ago, but fail to make sure all the parts were available and working. Nope...I would never wait until the last minute to do anything.

Fourth, it was not me who had to type a three page paper last night when I got home from the ladies' meeting. The paper was definitely not due at 11:30pm last night. I would NEVER wait until the last minute to get my homework done.

Fifth, it was not me who left some of my homework undone because my child was downstairs wanting her mommy. It's not me who still hasn't done that homework! YET...

Sixth, it was not me who did a "happy dance" when I wrote a check for almost $5500 to Girl Scouts to pay for the troop's cookies. We now have only about 90 boxes left to sale. Then we are finished until next year....January 1, 2010!!! We kicked tail this year! wasn't me that pushed the girls and the parents to the point of tears! Of course, it wasn't me who thought I LOST 34 boxes of cookies, but ended up finding them in the already sold stash!

Seventh (and LAST) was not me who thought I was supermom and could get everything accomplished in my life. I would never have a child, put that child in Girl Scouts, dance, and now softball, enroll myself in classes that are kicking my butt, need actual sleep, and still think I can do it all!

I honestly didn't do it!

Until next time........


Yes, Leslie, you can do it all!!!! You are a Super Mom! Just breath and pray to God for strength to see you through everything. All will be just fine. I love your "It was not me Mondays" posts.

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