Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week. Of course, I think she has taken a little time off of Not Me Mondays! because her Sweet Stellan is in the hospital! He has been there for over a month now! We really should all band together and pray for Baby Stellan!

Prayers for Stellan

So... I have NOT been busy this weekend!

1. First, it was not me who had my mom wake up before sun-up on Saturday morning so I could borrow her truck. I had to get the yard sale stuff to the church so that I could have the yard sale! I was NOT the one half asleep and attempting to do homework while people were shopping at the yard sale! Of course, I did not take all the extra Girl Scout cookies and put them on the table to try to sell them either! (Sold about 10 boxes! lol)

2. I did finish my 3 stories and my essay for the week. However, since the two page reading responses for each week of the 8 week class are due on/before (with no set date) May 9th, I would DEFINITELY NOT be the one who is totally 6 weeks behind on those! I would not be the one who is checking email and writing a Not Me Monday post while I should be writing papers either! I would NEVER EVER EVER do that!

3. It was NOT me who convinced my mom to send my sister to WalMart for cheesecake and cupcakes for Tony's bday. We went to eat at Longhorn....you should NEVER just carry your own food in there! Naturally, we did ask permission. And YES... we did have candles and a lighter so that they could carry it out to him and make a big deal out of it! Of course, it was not me who was singing along LOUDLY with the Longhorn Bday song. ("Fried Chicken, Country Hog, It's Your Birthday--HOT DOG!) And I would NEVER give a big "YEEHAW" at the end of it and make eveyone in the restaurant stare at us while he's blowing out the candles! lol

4. It wasn't my fault that everyone in the congregation was crying after the ladies' group did out "Cardboard Testimonies". Although it was me who introduced the idea to the ladies who attended the meeting last Monday night! (If you haven't seen those, check them out on YouTube! They are AWESOME! There are several churches that have them on there! Just go to www.youtube.com and type in Cardboard Testimonies. At least one church will have some that make you cry!

5. It was NOT me who was so tired last night after church that I literally pitched a fit and refused to go in the Wal-Mart...even though we were already in the parking lot. It was not me who decided that we would just go on Monday. Honest.... it had to have been my evil twin!

6. Right now, it is not me who is typing this waiting on the men to finish fixing the water heater so that after I pick Chasity up from school, I can take a shower! Our hot water heater broke on Saturday... it almost flooded our crawl space! Luckily we live VERY close to my parents so we have been showering there all weekend. Unfortunately, the plumbers who were supposed to arrive at 9:30am with a new hot water heater arrived at 10:30am and tried to fix it first! Then they left for an HOUR and are just now back to work on replacing the hot water heater!

WOW! I really didn't get much done this weekend.... now did I?

Until next time........


Lisa said…
Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my blog, swap partner. I've been meaning to do this and have clearly been delinquent. I've begun planning what to send out to you - I can't wait! :)

Nice to "meet" you on here - can't wait to follow along on your blog!
Anonymous said…
Ha ha! Glad you didn't do any of that.

I tagged you, so head over to my blog...it'll be fun!

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