Girl Scouts Rock!

Tonight we had the GS Awards for our Troop. WOW! That was a lot of work! I didn't realize that the girls had earned so much until I started getting everything together.

Chasity earned a lot that the other kids didn't mainly because she had to be at stuff. With a leader as your mom, you have to be places that other kids don't always show up! lol

Chasity got the 1st place trophy for selling 500 boxes of GS cookies! #2 was 328 boxes. #3 was a 2-way tie with 300 boxes!

I am just glad that it's over. It won't be long until we start meeting again....August!

So now, I am getting ready for GS camp...the beginning of August. Then probably 2 weeks later, we will have our first meeting. Whew! That doesn't seem so long now!

I am just so glad that Girl Scouts ROCK!!!

Until next time........


Joann said…
Mmmmmm!! SAMOAS!!!!!!! LOL!! CONGRATS to Chasity!!
The Robinsons said…
I still haven't paid for my GS cookies!! Hey--when you come visit, I'll pay my $7.00!!

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