
Well, I have been unemployed for a while. Yes, it's "technically" by choice, but right now it's because of the hours I need. I have heard from friends who have already taken the class that I have this semester that I have about 60-80 hours of Clinicals/Observations to do. That's only about 5 hours a week, so that's not as bad as it first sounded.

However, since Chasity is in school (and we don't have the funds to pay for before/after school care) I need to make arrangements or find a way to get her to/from school on the days that I have to be in the schools. The Spring semester is going to be even rougher. I will have a full-time internship (unless I have a full-time teaching job)....which would be AWESOME!!! (Keep praying for that one!) :)

Anyways.....I went to CareerBuilder and searched for Freelance Writing positions. I never thought about that before, but I received a Spam mail about it and it made me think. If I could find a Freelance job, I could make some money on the side and could pay someone to get Chas from school.... you know?

So on CareerBuilder, there was a job (a few in different cities actually) for a site called Examiner.com. So I checked out some of the articles on there. Then I applied for a job--freelance writing.

I submitted my application last night. They sent me an email (automated, but still) that said that a "real person" would be contacting me in a couple of weeks!! I think that's pretty awesome!

So....I just thought I'd share that! Keep your prayers going up for a full-time teaching job!

Until next time........


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