
(To the tune of Patsy Cline's "Crazy")

I'm busy from saying "I'll help you".
I'm busy from saying "You Too".
I knew I'd get in way over my head now.
So I'm busy from helping,
Busy from trying,
I'm busy from being nice.

Sorry.... just thought I'd get that out. I've been singing it in my head. :)

Have you ever just totally over-extended yourself? No? Let me tell you what it looks like.

1. 3 Mondays a month for Girl Scouts.
2. PTO Fundraising Coordinator
3. Full time Graduate Student
4. Full time Mommy
5. Church responsiblilities
6. Girl Scout Service Unit Team responsibilities

WOW! When I really think about it, I do have a lot that I'm doing. I told people I would do stuff. Now, I really am just tired. I probably should have just said I'd HELP the PTO. But... NO.... I took a position on the board. I should have just said I would HELP with the GS Team. But... NO... I took FOUR positions. Not all of those are really all that time consuming, but they are however taking some time.

I also have 8 events that I'm planning (or helping plan) for Girl Scouts this year. They are district-wide events, so they are bigger than just my girls. That's cool though. I had fun at these events last year, so I know what they are SUPPOSED to be like. :) I at least know where to START! :) That's usually the hardest part!

So....now, I'm starting to get a little nervous about getting everything ready, but.... I'll get all the paperwork done so that the events will be great.

Just needed to get a little off my chest. Now.... I'm ready for it all!

Until next time........


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