Post #150! Quotation Celebration!

I can not believe that I have posted 150 times now! :) This is exciting! Maybe I should do a give-a-way! Ok! Maybe at 200! We'll see!

Anyways.... I want to share some of my FAVORITE quotes today! they aren't necessarily the world's most famous quotes. There are only 3 of them, and I personally said/wrote two of them.

My most favorite quote of all times is:

"If going through life and you find yourself lost, go back to the last place you knew who you were and what you were doing and start there!" Carol Stack

I heard Carol give a lecture when I was a freshman at ASU! I wrote that quote on my was how she started her lecture! I have had it stuck in my brain and on my walls ever since!

Next are two quotes I wrote recently in response to a couple of classmates in my English class. (My new blog is Literally Leslie....btw! It is where I am putting a good bit of my English assignments!)

Anyways, we posted some things on our blogs, so our group members had to comment on them. I came up with these quotes as I was commenting....and I thought I'd better write them down!!! :)

1. "Do you ever stop to think why we make plans at such a young age? I think it's just so we will have a foundation to build on...then we can tweak the final blueprint later."

2. "Kids turn your world upside-down, but the view is so much better this way."

Just thought I'd share those.

I'm at 150 posts today....and next month I have my "blogaversary"! :)

Until next time........


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