Today's the Day

In just a few hours, I have a meeting with my academic advisor at UNCC. I am going to talk to her about my internship for the Spring. After that meeting, I am going to try to get some help in the computer lab for my ePortfolio. I just found out the other day that I have to re-do it because the teacher that had me set it up....well....she's new (I hope!) and she told us the wrong way to set it up. So I have to re-do my ePortfolio.

Of course, I didn't know I was supposed to be adding stuff to it every semester either. She didn't tell us that either. that I have to re-do it, I can do it correctly from the beginning and not have to go back to do it again! :)

Tomorrow I have to call to make an appointment with the College of Education so I can do my interview for placement. I think that is how they decide where to put me for next year. Of course, I know where I WANT them to put me, but I might not get that!

In January, I have the Praxis II test. In May, I'll get my teaching license.... or over the summer. I don't know how long it takes NC to process them once you have earned all the stuff to get one! lol BUT.... as long as I have applied for one, I shouldn't have a problem getting a job....if NC decides to hire teachers for next year! lol This economy has been killing the schools around here! BUT.... it WILL get better.

I am starting to get excited, but I'm very nervous. I don't know for sure if I have everything I'm supposed to have..... I guess that's why I have this meeting today. It's to make sure I have everything before I go to the interview. Let's Roll! :)

Until next time........


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