One of Those Days

Thanksgiving was wonderful. My siblings and our families all got together at my sister's house. Lisa and Joe had just come in the day before from their Cruise to Mexico, so they were a little tired, but they still cooked a great turkey! Donnie and I cooked/brough the other stuff to go with it!

Mom and Dad came home on Saturday! Tony, Lisa, Joe, Chasity, and I all went to their house for pizza Saturday night! We stayed there WAY too late! lol

Sunday, Dad had to run the sound at church because Joe was sick! :( BUT.... it was great! That's the first time Dad has done that since his wreck! I'm glad he's feeling some better. However, he's very tired from doing that yesterday.

Today, however, is starting off a little rough. My mother has already called 3 times for me to bring the copy of the daycare bank deposit to the daycare. (I did!) Chasity's school called to tell me that I needed to come see some boxes that were in the work room. (I did! I told them to recycle!) Now, I'm hoping to get my UNIT PLAN finished for my ENGLISH class. If I don't, I'm going to FAIL!

AND...I realized today that I have 20 followers, but no one has commented on ANYTHING in over a month! :( I'd love some comments. Even a HELLO would be great!

So... now I'm off to work on my unit plan! If you have suggestions about what works of Literature I should include in the 1920s unit I'm writing, let me know. I'm open for suggestions!

Until next time........


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