Charity Begins at Home

Last night, I stood with my mom and my daughter outside our local Bi-Lo. We rang the bell for the Salvation Army. Since we were the last people to be there, we didn't have to stay all that long. The guy from SA came to collect the bucket about 7:45pm. So we weren't even there an hour! It was great though.

A few times, after events at Chasity's school, we have taken the extra food to the SA shelter. Chasity has gone with us. We have talked to her about how people end up in the homeless shelter. She understands that they are not bad people, but they are just having a hard time.

Sometimes, when we are riding down the street, if we are stopped a light, we will hand some spare change to a person on the corner. Chasity understands that we have to try to help people....when we can. However, we can't help everyone all the time.

Right now our church, Chasity's afterschool daycare, and Chasity's school are all collecting non-perishable foods. At the daycare, they are having a competition. The class that brings in the most (by weight) will win a pizza party. So Chasity's teacher has told them that if they don't win, but they bring in 50 lbs of food, she will give them a pizza party. She's trying to encourage them be charitable, but she's trying to reward them.

So, we have talked to Chasity to explain to her that it's a great thing to give to charities. It's great to volunteer your time. But... that she should always remember that the greatest thing she can give to anyone is the love that Jesus gives to us.

Until next time........


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