Answers to Your Questions

A couple weeks ago, I asked you to pose questions to me about anything.

Not many of you asked me anything....actually only ONE of you did. So.... the question I received was "If someone left you $500 in your mailbox (no strings attached) what would you do with it?" (submitted by Phyllis at Just Bcauz)

First, I'd definitely pay my tithes on it at church.


Hmmm..... right now, if I found it today, I would totally make reservations for a week at the beach! My uncle's beach house may be over reserved for this summer. So, I might not get that beach trip since we don't have the extra money to spend on the room for a week. :(

However.... if the beach trip was already paid for (or if I got the money in the middle of the school year), I'd use it for me some new clothes and shoes. Of course, I'd buy the munchkin some new clothes too.... but not many because she has LOTS of clothes already!

Until next time........Don't forget to become a fan of Chunky Dunk Deserts on FaceBook and tell them I sent you!


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