Never Finishing

I started something that I just don't think I'm going to have time to finish. I started the Creativity Boot Camp, but then everything went crazy. I found that I barely had time to finish the days I did complete. Then, I got behind. Now, I've completed 4 days and they are on DAY 9! I'm almost a week behind.

I could try and catch up, but I think I'm OK with stopping where I am! :) It's OK to not finish some things! :)

Yesterday, I watched "Julie and Julia"! Have you ever seen that? It's a great movie! I highly recommend it! It's about a lady who cooked her way through Julia Child's cookbook in a year and blogged about it. It also tells Julia Child's story as it goes! I loved it!!

Anyways, the lady, Julie Powell, had started lots of things, but never finished them. Then she started the blog about what she was cooking and she actually finished it! I won't spoil then ending....just in case you want to watch it for yourself!

Anyways, I have had some words--sentences--floating around in my head lately, so I think I'm going to try to put them in writing before I forget them. Maybe later I can add to them and come up with something great! I've always wanted to write a book, so this might be the beginning of it! If so, I can just hope that the sentences will start coming a little closer together....and not ONE sentence at a time! However.....ONE sentence at a time will work for now! :)

After watching "Julie and Julia", I really wish I could find something I am that passionate about to write about every day! I wish I could find something that I love that much that would drive me almost to the point of insanity! (Some say I'm there already!) I wish I could find my "spot"......... does that make sense?

Until next time........


scrappyjacky said…
I'm not even trying to complete all the prompts....picking and choosing....and doing those I have time for.
Phyllis said…
It totally makes sense. Now that I'm a mom, I find myself longing for my "spot" and a way to leave my mark. It's like I want to do something that Abby can look back on years from now and say, "My mom did that."
liz said…
It totally makes sense! I want that, too, and an envious of those who know what they want.

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