

I'm saying it again!


Not only that, Chasity is going to start in a new school.

My mom, Chasity, and I went to Chasity's new school today to get the 2nd grade "Enrollment Package"!!

One of the Assistant Principals gave us a tour of the school. The rooms there are MUCH bigger than the rooms at her old school!

The AP that gave us the tour is also the one that does class placement for the students. She said that if Chasity's records from the previous school say everything that I told her today, she is going to "hand pick" Chasity's teacher for this year. That way Chasity will get the attention she needs for the fact that she is a 2nd grader on a 4th grade reading level!


What else have I done today?

Oh yeah!

We asked the landlord if we could paint Chasity's room pink. He said YES!

So when we went to get the keys (he had some made, but they didn't work so he had to get new ones) tonight, he said that if we would pick a color for Chasity's room, he would buy the paint.

Then he said.... if you pick a color for the master bathroom, I'll get the paint for that too.

Then....he said.... is there anything in the house you want to paint? Just pick the color and I'll get the paint.

So we are going to REPAINT the living room. It is a dark tan and dark plum/purple/burgundy color now. We are going to needs LOTS of KILZ! lol

So.... Mr. B (the landlord) is going to get the paint and KILZ!!

All we have to do is paint! I know we have to do the work, but we don't have to buy the paint!!!

I'm getting excited!

The only thing I'm NOT looking forward to is MOVING! lol (I can't wait to move, but I hate moving!)

Until next time........


Joann said…
Leslie, I'm excited for you... I hate moving too.... but once it's all done, it's so exciting to be in a new place, especially since you get to paint your own colors... nice of him to let you do that, some don't.
Phyllis said…
Wow!!! Any chance Mr. B owns a house or two in the Raleigh area? He sounds like a fabulous landlord. I'm so happy for you.
Sunny said…
We almost always love the end result, but sometimes its the getting there that is the hard part. This applies to both moving and painting.
Mamarazzi said…
ok first of all thanks for delurking today on my blog so i could come HERE and bask in your bloggy goodness!

YAY for pink love love a landlord who will allow a tenant to actually LIVE in the home...suhweet!

good luck on the move!

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