Meeting Ms. D

Today, I went to meet my cooperating teacher, CT. Her name is Ms. D!

She showed me around the school. It's one of the older schools in the district.... not the oldest, but older! :)

There are only going to be about 900 students there this year. The school is used to having about 1500. Last year and this year, the district re-districted some of the schools. Plus, last year, they opened a new high school here. So a lot of the kids went to that new high school.

I found out that instead of having 3 different lesson plans--preps--this semester, I am only going to have ONE! I have the same subject for all 3 classes!!! I'm excited!

I think that Ms. D and I are going to get along well.

I'm excited about what's going to happen this semester!

Until next time........


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