To Do This Week

This week is going to get things rolling for me....

It's going to get the school year started for me....

It's going to start getting crazy!!

Let's see...what do I have to do this week?

11am--meet with friend to give them Chasity for the night
Visit Papaw at hospital (oh yeah! more on that soon!)
Go to Chasity's NEW school to turn in one paper
Turn in one form for Student Teaching
6pm--Class for UNCC

9am--meet my Cooperating Teacher (CT) for my Student Teaching
Get Chasity back from friend
Visit Papaw at hospital
Take flower to Grandmother's grave (for bday)

Begin Student Teaching (ST) with 1st teacher workday

Teacher workday #2
Open House at ST location

Teacher workday #3
MOVE!!! (Or start unpacking to stay here!)

If you think this schedule looks interesting, just wait.... next week will be even MORE fun when Chasity starts school! :)

Until next time........


Good luck with your student teaching ...hope it's a good situation and you are able to get through it this time. Also hope the 'move' happens. I'm in mourning...can't believe summer is gone!

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