Merry Christmas

As you can see, I have not posted on a regular basis….regularly!  I have thought about making it a “New Year’s Resolution” to write more regularly.  However, I really would love to say that I’m going to write something EVERYDAY!  I know that is probably NOT possible.  So…. I will try in 2011 to blog more regularly.  I would love to increase my readers/followers.  Shoot!  I’d even like to make a little money from my blog!  But….that is 2011!  I still have a week before I get there!


For this week, I want to wish everyone of you who do read my blog a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!  I hope that you get everything that you want this year for Christmas!  Personally, I want my family to be together!  Presents are nice, but the real meaning of Christmas IS the gift!


I want to leave you guys with a few pictures that I took of Chasity this weekend.  Some of them have bad lighting…that is totally my fault. 



I can’t believe how much she has grown.


She had no idea I was taking the picture. 


She knew I was taking this one.  So she posed!



She didn’t know I was taking this one.  So she couldn’t pose.  I LOVE this picture!  I would TOTALLY make it my FaceBook profile pic, but I can’t get FB to upload it. 



…a different version of the above pic.  I love catching her off guard!  The pics are so much better!




Great pictures, especially the 'off guard' ones. Have a very Merry Christmas and I hope 2011 is a fabulous year.
Shannon said…
Hi, thanks for the comment on my blog. Love seeing the pictures of your daughter, she is such a pretty girl.

Im starting to learn that thing don't ever get easy as a parent, the challenges continue to change. I always have to remind myself, however, to not "wish away" these times, even if they are hard. They go quick enough anyway!
Hen Jen said…
I love the stain-glass photos, beautiful! Yes, i would love to commit to blogging everyday, but everyday is really a high standard!! I like the goal of "more often"- it's attainable :)

Happy New Year!

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