January 4, 2011

Every night when I write the date, I still want to put 2010! However, that year is behind us now and I'm glad!

My interview today went well, I think.

But, they are interviewing nine other people THIS WEEK for the same job!

I would have loved to have been number 8 or 9. That way when they started thinking about people I would be fresh on their minds.

However, I was FIRST!

The principal is hoping to make a decision this week.

He has to have someone in the position by January 20th. The job starts on January 24th! Technically, I guess I could be working 20 days from now! That would be great!

I'm looking forward to my classes starting next week. I have two classes this semester! If possible, I'm going to try to throw one (at least) in for the summer. I might do two if I can afford it (or if I can get financial aid for the summer sessions). I should check on that soon I guess. Registration is starting in just a couple of weeks (or maybe now) for the summer sessions!!

Chasity went to school today, but around noon her teacher called and said that Chasity was complaining with her throat hurting. I talked to Chas on the phone, but she was in tears. So I went to pick her up.

I looked in her throat. Some of the scabs are coming off. She has raw spots in there now.

I am debating on whether to send her to school tomorrow or not. She has perfect attendance so far, but that's not as important as her getting well.

We will decide in the morning what to do!

I am sending my resume' to the principal tomorrow that I really want to work for! She is at my old high school. I'd love to teach there! It'd be like going home! Let's see how that pans out!

Last, but not least, I never started this blog for followers. However, in the past 2 years, I have gained some followers. Recently, the past 2-3 months, my followers have been disappearing. :( I went from 75 to 71. I'm okay with that.

I do, however, want to ask that if you read my posts, please leave me a little love. I love hearing what you guys/gals have to say. But, most of the time, no one comments. I will try to come leave you some love on your blog too!


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