Valentine's Day and Today

As of yesterday, I have had a cute diamond ring on my finger for 11 years!

As of yesterday, Tony and I have been together for 11-and-a-half years!

In 2000, on Valentine's Day, Tony and I had been dating for 6 months! (We started dating on August 14, 1999)! That day, I knew we had plans for the evening. I also had plans with my dad to go get my "new to me" car. We got there. I drove it. I started the paperwork. I realized I left the CASH at home for the down payment. We flew home--in the truck! I got the money. We went back and finished the paperwork!

The coolest thing about my "new to me" car was that it had a radio! The car I traded in did not have one!

So that night, we took my "new to me" car to dinner. After dinner, we were sitting in the parking lot at Ryan's (which they closed down a few years ago in that location) and we were playing with the radio settings.

Then all of a sudden Tony knelt down in the floorboard of my car and pulled out a present!

The I unwrapped the present and then he took it so he could open it. I opened the card.

The card said "Will you be my forever Valentine?"

I said "Yes"! He opened the ring!

A year, three months, and four days later (May 19, 2001) we were married! ;)

So yesterday was a pretty cool day!

Tony brought home Valentine's gifts for me and Chasity after work! Roses and chocolate for me! A cute blanket and heart pillow set for Chasity! She couldn't wait to sleep with it last night! :)

After my Girl Scout meeting (with leaders) last night, I called my mom and she went to the store with me to get Tony something. Yep! I'm the one who didn't buy anything! lol :) So I got him a GameStop gift card and some candy! :) We have a new Xbox, I know he's DYING to get new games! lol

Now today.....

Well..... it's a long story, but......

According to the doctors, at 2:45am today I got older! According to my parents is was closer to 2:15am! lol

Short version..... Dad called the ambulance. I was born at home. Ambulance arrived. I arrived at hospital and doctors "pronounced" me born at 2:45am! lol :)

I've always been impatient! Just as my parents!

So....right now, I'm getting ready to go eat lunch with Chasity at school! She wanted me to come for MY birthday!

Then I'm going to come home and work on assignments that are due today, but the teacher just opened around 11pm last night! :( (That's a new story in itself!) This class is causing me stress and heartburn!

Then I don't know what today holds!

I am curious as to why my hubby said Happy Birthday before leaving, but none of my family (mom, dad, sis, bro....NO ONE) have called me or anything today! That seems weird!

Oh well! I'll just tell myself! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! lol


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