Where Does the Time Go?


It's been FOREVER since I last blogged!

Since I have been home from vacation, I have been swamped with school.

The class I am taking is a Research Methods class. I knew that it was going to have a lot of Scientific information and mathematical statistics to do in it. So I put it off as long as I possibly could. Then I decided that instead of spreading the torture out for 16 weeks in the fall semester, I would shrink all the same work into a 5-week summer session.


So far, I have not had many problems. This week is probably going to kill me. :( I actually have to do the math for myself this week. I have been reading the statistics and I have been doing okay in writing about them. So.... I'm just hoping I can find someone to do my homework for me this week! (NO! I'm just kidding! I will actually do my OWN homework!)

However, I only have assignments due this Sunday (7/31), next Sunday (8/7), and my final exam and final assignment are due 8/10.

Then I have about 13 days until Fall semester starts!

I just can't believe that summer is almost over.... with several more high temp days (close to 100) headed our way, I can use some FALL temperatures! :)


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