OMG! Today is the first day of school for Chasity! She's in 3rd grade now. I can't believe it.

OMG! The house is so quiet without Chasity here. I'm used to hearing "Mom!" "Mommy!" "Can I play my Xbox?" "Can I play my DS?" "Can I play on the computer?" "Can I watch my shows?" "I'm going to play in my room!" "I'm hungry." "Can I have a snack?"

We limit her time on Xbox, DS, and computer. Most of the time, if she is watching TV, we are watching with her. Also, she has a TV in her room, but she can only watch movies on it. We monitor how long, how much, and what she watches. However, there are many times that she has a movie in the background while she plays in her room.

OMG! I just learned a little tidbit of knowledge that COULD possibly help me to get a job.

When I did my student teaching, I had a Cooperating Teacher. She was WONDERFUL! I also had a University Supervisor. He worked for UNCC. He worked with me (and 5-6 other students) and did our observations, checked our progress, and talked to our Cooperating Teachers about our Student Teaching.

When he was my University Supervisor, he was also an INTERIM Assistant Principal at a local high school. Not my county, but the one to the North of us. I have applied for a gazillion (not really that many, but it feels like it) jobs this summer. One of them is in the county where he was an INTERIM Assistant Principal. (He's actually a retired cop from that county and a retired Principal from there too!)

So today, I was looking online to see if the job I applied for in that county had been removed from the website (indicating that it is filled). NOPE! Still there. So..... I went to the school website. The other day I was at the site and realized that the job I am applying for was vacated by a classmate (from a couple semesters ago). He and his new wife just moved back to PA. Today, I find out that my University Supervisor is the INTERIM Principal at the school where I have applied for a job.

So if it really is WHO you know and not WHAT you know, I might have found my "in".

I emailed him right away to tell him that I wanted the job and that I had already applied for it.

Now....again.... it's waiting.

Of course, I'll update as soon as I know! :)


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