Waiting for the Call

Today, I have been waiting for the call from Human Resources.

Since Monday is a holiday, I guess I will get the call on Tuesday.

I hope to be at the school Thursday or Friday. I don't know if they are planning to have me observe the other two teachers for a day or two so I can see what they are working on in class OR if they are going to just give me the students! Either way is great, but I think I might be more comfortable if I knew what they are working on already! :)

I have started a list of questions I need to ask.

I have started a list of things I need to get.

I have ordered some books I have been wanting so I would have them to use in my classroom.

Now, I'm just waiting for the call.

In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy the weekend!



Congratulations!!!Know you are thrilled. Enjoy your weekend and get ready to dazzle them next week. What school?

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