New Job

So I said something once...I think.  But, I have a new job.  I will probably never list the school by name, but it is in the same school district where we live.  (There are 7 high schools there.)

Since I am a new teacher (Beginning Teacher 2), I started work today!  I will work this week, and then ALL teachers arrive next Monday! 

Today thru Wednesday, we have group training for all the new teachers.  Thursday and Friday I will be at my school site!  Hopefully I will meet my mentor teacher one of those days.  Hopefully I will get my room and keys. 

I haven't said much about the job because it seems surreal. 

I guess I will show/tell more about my room when I actually get it.  Since I didn't have a room (I floated) last year, it's kind of hard to believe until it happens!!

Tomorrow we are talking curriculum. 

Wednesday, I have no idea what we are doing. 

I am totally EXCITED!


Mamarazzi said…
congrats. it all sounds very exciting!!

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