Random Things and the Liebster Award

Two of my RL and bloggy friends—Whitney at Devotionista and Phyllis at Just Bcauz—both nominated me for an award.  I am totally grateful! Smile 


I have been nominated for the Liebster Award. 

The Rules of the Award: The Liebster Award is given to bloggers, by bloggers. It is a way to acknowledge each other and say, "You are doing a great job." It is for blogs with 200 or fewer followers, so it is also a great way to spread the word about smaller blogs and get them more readers and followers! When you receive the award you post eleven random facts about yourself, and answer eleven questions from the person who nominated you. You pass the award onto eleven other blogs, (make sure you let them know they were nominated,) and ask them eleven questions. You are not allowed to nominate the blog that nominated you.

Here are my 11 random facts:

1. I collect salt-and-pepper shakers.  I know some people know this already, but some people may not. 

2. I love the movie “Julie and Julia”.  I wish I could find a reason to write a blog like that.  We ALL know I can’t cook, but I wish I could find something that I could do.  I want to be a professional writer, but I don’t know what to write about.  Suggestions?

3. I love the fair!  We are planning to go on Friday!  I have officially passed the love to my daughter!

4. I prefer the mountains over the beach.  Give me any day in the mountains and it will be better than a day at the beach.  The beach is cool, but I could live without the sand and the sunburn!

5. I’m totally, unashamedly, and uncontrollably afraid of dogs.  All dogs!

6. My favorite color is purple.  My bridesmaids’ dresses were purple.  My birthstone is Amethyst.

7. I love being a Girl Scout leader!  I get to work with girls of all ages!  They get to learn leadership skills and develop self-esteem.  (The cookies aren’t bad either!)

8. I love watching “Dance Moms”.  My daughter danced for 3 years, but the moms did NOT act like that!

9. I want to visit Alaska….but only in the summer.  I want to see it when there is no night.  How cool would that be?  (Literally a taste of Heaven!)

10. I want to be an Auction Hunter!  Of course, I don’t have the bucks to drop on stuff.  I also can’t hang out at the storage place all day bidding on stuff.  So…. guess I’ll stick to teaching!

11. I wish my graduating class would have a proper reunion.  I’d love to get all dressed up, make the hubs clean up (which he does nicely), and go hang out with them.  Can’t believe in 3 years it will be 20 years! OMG!  I’m OLD!



Now….  since two people nominated me, I’m going to answer BOTH of their questions.


Whitney’s Questions:

1) If you could be any animal other than human, what would you choose to be?

Either an eagle (majestic and protected by Federal Law) or a horse (strong and helpful to many people)

2) What is your favorite board game?

Monopoly—I get to be rich (or go bankrupt)

3) What subject from school do find you utilize the most in your everyday life?

ENGLISH!  (I’m an English teacher!  LOL) 

4) What artist’s creative stylings have had the most profound impact on you? This could be art in any of it forms—dance, music, sculpture, painting...

Wow…. I have no idea.  I could say George Strait—his music speaks to every situation.  There are a million things I could say, but I can’t even think of one.  Sad smile 

5) Most profound truth you would like to pass on to your children, or to others in your life?

Life is what you make of it.  Be your own person and do everything you can to live the life God wants you to live.

6) What is your favorite season of the year?

Fall for the colors and the temperatures.

7) Do you find yourself to be a morning, day or night person?

I have to get up early in the mornings, but I love doing things in the evenings!

8) NPR—love it or hate it?

HATE IT!  I want MUSIC on my radio.  I surf when commercials come on.

9) What is your most vivid, positive memory from the playground?

In 5th grade, I met the person who would become my best friend until we graduated from high school.

10) reality TV—take it or leave it?

Depends—American Idol? LOVE, Dance Moms? Love; The Voice? LOVE! Big Brother—LEAVE!, Survivor—Leave!


Leave—Other stuff!

11) Finally, and perhaps least importantly, if you were a hot dog, would you eat yourself?

Who knows….. depends on if I’m plain or all the way!  lol



Phyllis’s Questions:

1. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

X-ray vision….I want to see everything that is going on!

2. If you could have been born in a different time period, when would you choose?

1920s—the music, the literature, the culture (MOBSTERS) were all much different!

3. When was the last time you laughed at yourself?

Last night!  I was at a Girl Scout recruitment at the Intermediate School.  We were in the cafeteria.  I’m 6’.  I had to sit on the LITTLE bleacher seats at the table.  My right leg got stuck to the point that I had to sit back down and pull it over the back before I stood up!

4. What is one dream or goal that you have achieved?

I graduated from college.  However, in Dec. I’ll be able to say I got my MASTER’S DEGREE!!

5. Name your favorite restaurant.

Easy….Olive Garden!

6. What is your favorite meal at your favorite restaurant?

Pasta—almost any kind!  I love all the different kinds of noodles and most of the sauces!  Can’t go wrong with Olive Garden pasta!

7. Are you named for anyone?

No, but my daughter is.

8. If you could travel to one location (alone or with family) and money were no object, where would you travel? 

I would go back to Ireland.  Since I went in 10th grade, I have researched and found out that my family is from there.  I’d love to go back and see if there is actually any family STILL there!

9. What type of car do you drive?

Chevrolet Monte Carlo

10. Name a guilty pleasure.

Double Chocolatey Chip Blended Cream Frap from Star*Bucks!

11. What is your favorite time of day?

Anytime I can hang out with my family!


Here are my Nominees!

1. Ohilda at Bouquet of Blessing

2. “Bones” at It Spews Forth

3. Amber at ourblessingsandjourneys

4. “I’m Sunshine” at Color Me Sunni!

5. “Basement Bags Girl” at The World from my Basement

6. Tuesdee at Tuesdee Davis Domestic Diva


All the rest of my blogs have more than 200 followers.  So…. here are the questions you should answer.


1. If you could buy anything (money is no object) what would you buy? Why?

2. If you could meet any celebrity (living) who would it be?

3. How did you meet your husband (or boyfriend/girlfriend)??

4. What is your favorite food?

5. Where is the best place to get your favorite food?

6. What is your dream car?

7. What one moment from your past would you go back to relive?

8. Do you have something in your closet that you run to when you have “nothing” to wear? What is it?

9. If you have children, do you public school or home school them?  (If you plan children for the future, what do you THINK you will do?)

10. What reality show would you like to be on?

11. What’s the last book you read from cover-to-cover? (For this question only, The Bible doesn’t count.)


Have fun!  Let me know when you have posted!


Sues said…
YAY!!! I'm so glad you did this!!! I wanted to "nominate" :-P you, but I didn't want to steal you & Jamie from our other blogging friends. :-D SO GLAD I get to read your answers!!!

I fully admit I adore "Dance Moms" :-P and I wish our graduating class would have a proper reunion, too. No way am I paying $1400 (4 $350 tickets) to fly us home for a couple hours at a Concord bar. NO WAY!!!

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