2012: A Year in Review (Part 4)

If you want to catch up on this tale, read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3


We have arrived to Labor Day.  September!!!


We did not have any softball games that weekend.  We rented a small SUV and drove to Boone, NC.  That is one of my most favorite places….EVER!  It has Appalachian State University and Tweetsie Railroad!


I attended App State as a Freshman in college.  Music major.  Totally different post.


For the past two years, Chasity has earned “Cookie Points” for selling Girl Scout cookies.  With those points, she can get tickets to places and Gift Certificates to places. 


The first year (2011) she got a bowling party, $25 card to Build-a-Bear, and 2 tix to Tweetsie.  Last year (2012) she got $25 card to Applebee’s, $25 card to Build-a-Bear, and 2 tix to Tweetsie.  Who knows how many points she will get this year (2013) and what she will get for them!? 


So, we rented a 2-bedroom condo and stayed in Boone for the holiday.  It was great.  While I was there, I learned a couple of things.


1. DSCN4893


2. DSCN4899


If you really think about it, both of those things are true! Smile 


Obviously, we went to Tweetsie while we were there.  That was the point of the trip! 




The bees were the size of the flowers!



The red-headed “indian” got on our train car!  OMG! Chasity loved the fact that all the “indians” did not have brown hair and brown eyes!  (We are part Cherokee, but Chasity thinks she can’t be an “indian” because of her blonde hair and blue eyes!)



Chasity with the cloggers



Chasity dancing on stage



Tony and Chasity checking out the view on the ferris wheel



This time, we stayed until the "end of the night”.  We watched the final show of the evening. All the characters/performers come together. 


This is most of them on stage…we are missing a few here.


We love Tweetsie.  I kind of hope she gets tickets to go back this year.  However, it will be her choice.  If she wants to do something else, we can.


Hopefully there are only a couple more posts left.  I think I can get October and November in one post.  Then December/Christmas will be one.  (Even my English brain thinks that’s only 2 more!) 




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