Student Loans

I spent four years as an Undergraduate student.  I attended three different 4-year universities.  I also attended a community college. 

I spent 4 1/2 years as a Graduate student. 

As you can probably guess, I have more Student Loan debt than I care to admit!  However, I won't try to get someone else to pay it (unless one of you just wants to write me a check to cover it!)!! 

I won't try to get out of paying it. 

I will pay my debt. 

One day, when I have finished paying it off, I will be so excited! 

Unfortunately, I think I might pay off my house and my student loans around the same year! :( 

Was it worth it?  Yes....every penny! 

Would I do it again?!  Yes...every second of it!

Would I do anything differently?  Maybe.... but I think my life is pretty good, okie dokie, okay right now! :) 

I'll just keep making my little payments until I can make BIG payments to get a chunk out of the loans! :) 


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