
I went to scrapbook with my Scrap Happy Divas. 

That is ALWAYS very exciting.  We are going to be going to a different location (less than a mile from the normal one) on Jan. 26th to scrapbook.  We are scrapbooking to help raise money for Relay for Life.  :)  When the lady came to pick up our registrations, one of my "triplets" said she didn't know where the place was. 

What did we do? 


We, my other "triplet" and I, took her to show her where the place it.  Then we came back to scrapbook some more!

About an hour later, a lady (whom I met for the first time yesterday) was talking to her daughter on the phone.  We heard, "They just put out the peanut butter chocolate donuts?"!! 

What did we do? 


We went to Sheetz (in Salisbury) to get donuts.  Unfortunately, there for 4 of us in the car and they only had 3 peanut butter filled chocolate covered donuts.  There were 5 more people waiting back at scrapbooking for donuts.

What did we do? 


Oh yeah!  We drove around and got 2 dozen Krispy Kreme donuts! :) 

Have I told you I L-O-V-E LOVE hanging out with my "triplets"?!!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Can't wait to see them on Friday and Saturday at the end of the month!


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