Today, students in the 11th grade all over NC will be taking the ACT. 

The ACT is a placement test for college--like the SAT.  NC has decided that instead of having kids pay to take it, they will give it to Juniors for free.  Then if they don't like the scores, they can retest (and pay for it) later. 

Instead of having classes that last 90 minutes today, I will have two long classes and two short classes.  Luckily, for me, one of the long classes is my planning period.  Maybe I will get a lot of stuff done!

My first class will be from 7:15am to 9:55am.  I am going to teach for about 45 minutes-an hour.  Then we are going to watch part of "The Outsiders".  I have never seen it, but the Media Center Coordinator (librarian) gave it to me from the school stash! :) 

My last two classes will only be 45 minutes each!  This should be VERY interesting today! 


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