Monday….Again! Plan for this week!

After this weekend, I can’t even ask “How did Monday get here!?!”


It really was a BLUR!  I hope we don’t have many more like that coming up!


This week is going to be interesting.

1. I have to go today to get the tag for my car.  We finally got it fixed and inspected.  I can get the tag now.  Actually…it’s a stupid little sticker for the tag!

2. I have to work the gate for the softball and baseball games at work tomorrow.  So I will get the Princess from Girls on the Run and then run back to school to work the gate until about 8pm.  Luckily the Princess will be with me and can get her homework done there.

3. I have to go get the ACTUAL tag for the new van.  They sent a letter and called to say that it is in.  Smile 

4. We have softball practice on Friday.  Then we have a game on Saturday.  However, after that, we don’t have any plans this week. Smile  I might go watch my nephews play this week!


This really doesn’t seem like a busy week.  GOOD! 

I’m sure there will be plenty of stuff for us to do….seeing as though we are STILL trying to finish unpacking stuff from the move!  (We should be finished…by Thanksgiving!)


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