
So I said the other day that I found a place where I could potentially find writing jobs. 


Well…… last night, I was awarded my first official writing job.  Ok.  So it’s going to be easy.  I have to read blog posts from a website and comment on them.  I have to do the same for their Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest accounts too.  There are also 3 books they have written that I am going to read and review.  I’m excited! 


After I have completed this, maybe I will be more confident in what I can do writing-wise.  Plus, some of the jobs (the way they word them) scare me.  They are like “We need this immediately,” but they posted it 2 days ago….so how fast are they going to expect it?


I will have more time in a couple weeks too.  So I will attempt to get more then.


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