Happy 4th of July!

Yesterday (July 3rd), I spent all day in front of my computer.  I have been working on more articles.  I am finishing another trial set soon.  I am not sure I want to keep writing for this person.  The deadlines keep changing….giving me less time to write.


Today, (July 4th) Tony, the Princess and I are all at home together!  We have a long, 4 day weekend. 


What shall we do?


I have 4 more articles due tomorrow—no TODAY!  (Sorry!  12:16am always confuses me! LOL)


We are going to work on changing the playroom into the office and the office into the playroom.  Long story! 


Friday, I will probably have more articles due.  Then we will do NOTHNG!  HA!  Yeah, right!  I’m sure we will come up with something to do.  Of course, if it ever stops raining, Tony will do the yard work.  But… according to the forecast, it is going to be raining ALL week—like 80% chance!  Hopefully all the rain this summer means a very SNOWY winter! Smile  I’d L O V E love that! Smile 


If it is dry enough any night, we will probably catch a fireworks show or two.


We will also be hanging out with the family on Saturday. 


Church on Sunday.


Back to work (for Tony—haha!) on Monday!


Only a couple of weeks until Myrtle Beach with my parents and siblings and all our families!!!  That’s A LOT of people---close to 20!!!




S.I.F. said…
It has definitely been raining all week here as well - made for a nice and lazy 4th!
Lynne said…
Myrtle Beach! We may migrate that way eventually. My husband has a job opportunity that might land him near Myrtle Beach. We'll know more in the Fall. I hope you all enjoy yourselves. The rain is pushing out in Southern, Maryland and supposed to leave behind beautiful sunshine. It just felt hot and muggy to me earlier when I let our dog out. Ugh.

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