Update….on My World

Saturday, the Princess had a double header. It was freezing at 8am. They finally won (after scoring 12 runs in the final inning) by 1 run. They won the second game by 1 run in the final inning also.


They are now in 1st place so they will play ONE game this weekend for the championship!


My sister got two new foster kids last week. So the Princess is hanging out with one of them for Halloween. (Considering the situation, I can’t share names or anything, but it is a girl who is around the Princess’s age.)


Sunday was the first day since the end of September that Tony did not have to work.  So we all went to church together and cleaned the house.  With me working full time, Tony working over 30 straight days, and the Princess having softball, the house kind of got neglected!  So…. the living room actually has furniture and carpet!  (They were hidden under mail and laundry!)  lol


Tomorrow, I’m supposed to have my first official observation at work.  This is the 3rd time it has been scheduled.  We’ll see if we actually get to do it.


Lynne said…
I know how you feel about broken appointments. I've been waiting to take a big test for work and keep getting rescheduled. Ugh. Hope everything falls into place.

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