Day 12—Thankfulness

Today, I’m thankful for my job. Yes, I’m a teacher. Yes, I would love more pay and more respect. However, I never started teaching for the money. And, teenagers aren’t being taught respect; so I don’t expect any from them. (I try to gain some, and it is possible!! Smile)


Two school years ago (2011-2012) I had my first teaching job. The students threatened me. They cursed at me. They had gang fights in the hallway every day. The question was never, “Was there a fight today?” The question was, “How many fights were there today, and how many of my students were in it?” We had a 6 hour lock down one day. (That’s a different story for a different day!)


Now, I’m at a great place. The staff love me or at least act like they do. The PTSO is awesome! The kids are great. The parents, for the most part, are involved in the education of their children. 


I love my job! I’m thankful that I was given this opportunity last summer!


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