Days 20 and 21, Winding Down

Wow!  I totally didn’t post yesterday. Sad smile That means I didn’t tell what I am thankful for. Sad smile


Day 20—I’m thankful for my friends. They are always there to help when I need them. I’m pretty sure that some of them are “sisters from other misters”. Smile  Sometimes, they are my therapy sessions.


Day 21—I’m thankful for 2nd chances. It’s the little things that count. I forgot to post yesterday, but I have a 2nd chance to do it today. I have had many 2nd chances for big and little things in my life. With Christ, I’m thankful that He keeps giving me 2nd chances every time I mess up.


Yesterday, during my planning period, we had a meeting. It was only the 9th grade English teachers in it. We were discussing pacing, and how far along we should be in the curriculum already. Then we talked about the fact that next week, we have 2 days. When we come back after Thanksgiving, we have 3 weeks in December. Once we come back in January, we have 2 days the first week because we return on a Thursday. Then we have the following week with these kids. Exams are Jan 13-17th. That means that I have 4 weeks and 4 days (so basically 5 weeks) with these kids. 


WOW! We are winding down, and I feel as though we have not covered ANYTHING!  Holy Cow!  This semester has flown by and I have no idea where it is!


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