December 20th-January 1st!

I have not been in hiding for almost two weeks. Although, there is a chance that I have avoided doing anything that could remotely be considered “routine” during this time.


December 19th was the last day that I worked for 2013.  (It was supposed to be Tony’s last day for the year too!)


December 20th, Tony and I spent the day at the Princess’s school assisting with the in-class parties. I am the chair of the Social Committee at the school for the PTC (Parent Teacher Committee).  My committee and I planned the in-class parties for 39 classrooms and 700 kids!  OMG!  (NOTE: This is not a top of the list thing to ever do again!)


Dec. 21-24, we worked on getting everything ready for Christmas. Our tree was up and decorated over Thanksgiving break, but that was all we had.  We had not purchased gifts or anything.  We had had NO TIME!  So…we crammed it into 4 days!  We got it done! Smile  I did have to go to Walgreens on Christmas day (which I hated to do) because I had used up all the space on my SD card.  I put it in my computer in Jan. 2013 and it lasted until Christmas Day 2013.  I think I could have probably deleted a few blurry/unneeded pics, but again… time. lol 



Dec. 25th…we spent the entire day and part of the night at my parents’ house. There were probably 30 people in and out of there during the day.  There are 18 of us without others, but then friends and other family members came in to see all of us as the day went on!  It’s like that every year!  It’s cool like that!


Dec. 26-31, we worked on getting the house finished.  We have lived here since Nov. 2012, but some stuff is still in boxes.  We haven’t finished everything in all the rooms….yet!  Since the Princess has new things to go in her ‘playroom’, we needed to get stuff cleaned out.  So….. a HUGE trash bag and 3-4 other bags (for donations) later, her ‘playroom’ is finished.  It won’t be just a playroom anymore….she got a Rainbow Loom and a Sewing Machine for Christmas.  It will also be her crafting room.  We have to finish setting up that side of things.  We need to organize her art stuff too.  She has an easel and stuff, but we need to get some of those plastic drawers or something to put her things in.  But…. the room is clean.


The downstairs is clean too.  We worked on it and it is almost finished. Smile  We had to get new appliances.  Ok….we didn’t have to get ALL new appliances, but we got them.  We had to have a new stove; the old one was breaking quickly.  So….in order to get them to match and get the sales price, we got dishwasher, stove, refrigerator, and over-the-range microwave!  The best part is that we gave the old microwave to my mom.  Now we have LOTS of extra counter space!  We put the old fridge in the garage…it will be there for more meats and cold storage!


Now, we have the Princess’s bedroom, our bedroom, and the office left to do!  WOW!  Those will be weekend projects that take several weekends each.  The bad thing…. Cookie booths start in about 6 weeks.  Then it’s Softball.  I think softball is going to last through the summer this year, if we get on the traveling team!  So…. I don’t know when we will have any more weekends! lol Smile  If softball is all summer, then we will have that until Nov. Then the holidays start all over!  lol  WOW!  Let’s NOT plan my entire year out on Jan 1st!



Dec. 31st, we went to my parents house to bring in the NEW YEAR! We ate pizza. We played Canasta! We watched the ball drop! It was fun!  My parents didn’t feel like leaving the house to go anywhere, so we went to them. 


Today…..  well…..  we are getting ready for school tomorrow.  The Princess is going to be finishing up a couple of reading projects. She has to finish the write up for her Science Project. (We did the work for it the other day.  It was fun!  That’s a post for itself!)  I have to get my Exam Study Guide started for my kids.  I need to give it to them tomorrow.  I should probably PLAN something for my kids to do tomorrow….right?  lol 


Tomorrow….the alarm will go off at 3:30am for the first time in TWO WEEKS!  I’m guessing I won’t get much sleep….just in the fear of not hearing the alarm! lol 



If you have read to the end of this, thank you!  It was a novel….two weeks in the making! Smile 







Lynne said…
Sounds like you got a lot accomplished! I stopped reading and looked around my office and said to self, "Yep I should probably do the same thing!" oh well, in time....

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