0 to 60

I guess it would be more accurate to say 9 to 70.  (No! I’m not talking about speeds in a new car!)


During this past week, those have been the temperatures here.  YES! I realize that is a huge gap.

YES! I know it sounds crazy!

But… YES! I do live in NORTH CAROLINA!

You see, in NC, we wear snow boots and shorts in the same week.  We wear sweaters and sunscreen in the same day (sometimes). It’s crazy.


However….  I wouldn’t live anywhere else! I just wish it would level off somewhere in the middle.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE L.O.V.E. LOVE 50-55 degrees. 


I guess we shall see what the rest of winter shall hold for us.  I’m hoping we get a REALLY GOOD snow this year.  I’d love to have 4-6”, but I know that everyone will be complaining about when we have to make up the days at school.


For this week, we will stay above freezing (except for a couple of morning lows); we will have lots of rain. We will have a couple of days that the kids will be wearing shorts to school.  My Princess may get to wear a skort with tights, but we aren’t pulling out the shorts yet.  I think that’s just asking to get sick. Smile


Lynne said…
Our weather has been waffling here, too in Southern, MD. However, no shorts just yet, not that warm!

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