Saturday School

I couldn’t let Post 666 stay up all day.  That would have me freaked out forever! 


So….  I guess I’m going to say that although I enjoyed all the snow days last week, I hate that we have to make one of them up today---ON A SATURDAY!


The person who came up with this idea must not have to deal with crabby teenagers at 7am on a Saturday morning!


Oh well!  It’s only a half day! Then we have a cookie booth at noon!


Then we get to do nothing (mostly) for the rest of the day. 


I’m excited!


Lynne said…
It is going to be one of the many moments in a teen's life where they will realize that it was tough going but was a great pay off at the end of the day because it will allow their summer to be freed up. Glad you made it!

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