Yesterday was snow day #2. Today is snow day #3 for the year.  On Tuesday, we got out of school early because the snow was coming. It came.  It accumulated. It melted. It was pretty.  By 4pm on Tuesday, most places didn’t have a bit of snow on the ground.


Yesterday, they canceled schools because the snow was coming.  So we waited.  We waited some more.  Finally about 12pm (NOON!) the snow started.  We could have gone another 1/2 day and wouldn’t have to make that day up on a Saturday….but nooooooo!  Once it started, it started accumulating quickly.  We got about 1” of snow per hour.  It snowed until about 7pm last night.  Some times it was slower, so we probably have about 5-6” in my yard. 


About 7pm, the sleet and freezing rain started.  That’s what it is still doing now.  So schools called to cancel around 3pm yesterday afternoon for today!


Today, I’m “working from home”.  I do have a little bit to do.  So I’m going to get it done.  Then, I don’t know what I’ll do tomorrow.  I’m sure we won’t be there tomorrow with all the ice on the ground now. 


PLUS…. we are supposed to get more snow today!


One of my friends said that Northerners make fun of Southerners when we get ready for snow storms.  However, THIS is why we get ready.  Once we start getting snow, we never know when it is really going to stop! Smile 


So now we wait…..  we might get to go back to school next week.  We are off on Monday anyways—President’s Day.  But by Tuesday, we should be good and melted.  By Friday, they are calling for 70 degrees! (That’s so wrong!) 


Cookie booths are supposed to start tomorrow.  If Tony can get me out of this driveway and up the hill on the road, we are going to sell some cookies… if the place is open.  I probably need to call to check that first…right? Smile


Lynne said…
With this crazy weather, I think the Carolinas need to revisit their school snow day policies! It started with rain here and then turned to snow. I like snow but when it is done and we have to go back to work I want it gone because it makes everything so messy....including my car, lol.

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