I Guess I'm Old School

I love writing! I have always loved writing!

I have had this blog for a few years, but I still have a habit of writing in notebooks--on actual paper.

I'm old school!

Since May 1, 2015, I have been writing in my "Surgery Thoughts" notebooks. Yes, notebookS! There are three of them.

My surgeon told me to document my thoughts, my food, my exercise... my journey as a whole. So, on May 1, 2015, I started writing in a composition book. That first day, I wrote about how I was going to work out with my trainer and how I was only 42 days away from surgery.

During the past year, I have not written every day. I have written most days. I guess, in the world of technology that we live in, I should probably get used to writing online.

Does anyone know how these people make money writing blogs?  I would love to be able to do that! 

For now, I'll write here from time to time. One day, I'll write about how I quit my job (right before major surgery!). {It's a "great" story!}

One day, I'll write about how we are probably taking our daughter out of the public school system again... at least for a year.. until we can get her into a good program for high school.

One day, I'll tell the story of how I became a travel agent. It's fun... part time... and I can get discounts! :) 

One day, I may even tell my thoughts about the Presidential race. I do typically try to stay away from politics, but this could be an interesting year.

Finally, one day, I may share some of the things I make and sell through Heartwork by Leslie. (Yes, I started two businesses in a year!)

For today, I will leave these notes here. I will find a way to get my thoughts together. I will try to stop being so Old School.

But, I'm still Old School.  (No matter how hard I try!)


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