Writing Challenge--Day #1

Today's challenge: "Put your iTunes on shuffle. Write down the first 6 songs that pop up."

The only problem I have with today's challenge is that I do not have iTunes.  :)  I have Spotify. I love it. So, I put it on one of my playlists and hit shuffle.

Here is what happened:

Say Amen by Finding Favor
Call It Grace by Unspoken
Just Be Held by Casting Crowns
Completely by Among the Thirsty
Keep Making Me by Sidewalk Prophets
Just Say Jesus by 7eventh Time Down

I have these in a playlist called "Inspirational for Me". 

I love all of these songs. They are so inspirational. They help me when I'm down. They remind me Who I should be looking toward at all times.

So, what are the first 6 songs on your playlist?


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