Crazy Things are Happening Here

Last week I got older. I guess that's not really crazy.  We technically get older every day. 

Then this week, in ONE day, I got 430 views on my blog!!  That's NEVER happened before, but I could get used to it!


We are still in the middle of Girl Scout cookie season. If you haven't gotten yours yet, let me know. I can either deliver them (if you are close enough) or give you the website where you can order them.


On Sunday, the stuff for Vacation Bible School came in! I'm so excited!  I'm the director this year, but I am going to need a TEAM of awesome people!  We have a church full of awesome people!  I'm going to get the recruiting video ready so that the pastor can show it before we have the volunteer meeting!!!

On Sunday, the pastor also announced to the church that we are doing toys for 500 kids this Christmas. We are going to be collecting toys and money. If you have new/gently used toys that you'd like to donate, please let me know.  I know I have wonderful friends and readers. 

He also announced about the 500 stockings. The stockings are going to be normal-sized Christmas stockings. They are going to have toiletries and personal items in them for the adults in the families. That way every kid and adult in the family gets something for Christmas. We are going to be doing collections and fundraisers for this.  If you want to donate to this, please let me know.  (My co-teacher for children's church and I are in charge of the stockings!!!)  Please do what you can to help.  I will post more information when we finalize the exact items that are going into the stockings.  (We are meeting next week to work on that and fundraising!)


Over the weekend, the Princess had a visit to the ER. She was having trouble breathing and her face was turning bright red and purple. At the ER, they did an X-ray. Her lungs are clear. And... she didn't have the flu.  (Well.... at least they say she didn't because she didn't have a fever!) They said it was a viral infection and she just needed rest. 

Yesterday morning, her fever was 100.4 so she did something she hasn't done since 6th grade. She MISSED a day of school. Oh well!  No perfect attendance this quarter or for the full year. However, she felt well enough to go today. So she's there. (I keep waiting on the phone to ring and her to tell me to come get her.)


I have been working on getting my mile time down. I want to do a 5K this year. I did one a few years ago, but it took me 45 minutes to complete it. I want to get my mile time down to under 15 minutes consistently so that I can finish a 5K more quickly.  Last week, on my birthday, I got my time down to 14:15.

Today, I got my time down to 14:02. Maybe I should be shooting to get my time down to under 13 minutes since I'm doing so well. 

I think tomorrow, after I finish my first mile on the treadmill, I'm going to try to do a 5K there. I just want to see how long it will take me. Maybe I can get my 5K time down so that I'm ready to do a real one!!


Finally (I think), I got an email this morning from the dietician at my surgeon's office. They want me to come to the March Support Group meeting and speak to the group. My first thought was NO, but then I decided I'd do it. 

I just have to write a 10-15 minute speech about my weight loss journey.  It doesn't seem that hard.  I already started writing things down.  Maybe I'll write out the whole thing here once I finalize it. 


One more thing...... the weather here in NC is nuts!  It's really warm for February.  I'm afraid we may not get any more snow this year if it doesn't cool down soon!!!!  LET IT SNOW!!!!

What crazy things have been going on in your world?


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