My Last Day (of Being 38)

Happy Valentine's Day!  OR as the Princess informed me this morning.... "Happy Singles Awareness Day!!"

Either way, I hope your day is happy!!

Today is my last day to be 38 years old. At 2:45am tomorrow morning, I will be 39! I will be starting my final year of my 30s!  OH MY!  Where did the time go?

This year has been interesting! 

At home, I have been able to do more.
I've cooked more (and everyone survived!)!!
I've gotten outside more--and consequently sneezed more!
I even coached the Princess's rec league softball team last Spring! 
I've been happier, mostly!

At church, I've been more active.
I'm working in Children's church.
I'm singing on the Praise Team (in rotation). :)
I'm heading up VBS this year. (That will technically be when I'm 39,  but I've started plans already.)
I'm helping head up the 500 stockings for families this year. (That will also be when I'm 39.... but still!)

At work, I'm probably doing less.
I am not full time, so I work fewer days than I would with a "real" job. However, I have covered a couple of long term sub things. I'm still hopeful for a full time job.

I'm reading more.

I'm writing more.

I'm planning more.

I'm thinking more.

But, on this final day of being 38, I'm hoping that 39 will be my best year yet. (Of course, I say that EVERY year!  Sometimes, it actually works out that way.)

38 was great in some ways, but in others, like being sick all summer, it was horrible. I'm planning to remember the good..... and I'm not going to focus on the bad.

39 is going to be great! I can just tell!

Here's to today being the best LAST day of being 38!! 

Make today great!


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