Educational Endeavors

Since the year The Princess was in third or fourth grade, every year, about this time, I start looking at options for school for her.

I have friends and family who homeschool. I always peruse that as an option. I have gone online and figured out what subjects we would need, where we would get them from, and (unfortunately!) the costs. There are some places I can get things online (like secondhand) but I won't start looking in earnest until we make a decision.

Homeschooling (probably) gives us the most flexibility with subjects and schedules. When she is listed as a Junior, she can start taking Dual Enrollment classes at the local Community College for high school and college credit (for FREE!!)!!!! 

Her fifth grade year, she was at a local Charter school. It didn't work out so well. (We went through 3 teachers and 2 principals in one year.)  I guess we could always look at going back there (now that they have been open and running for a few years) as an option. It's not a serious option, but it is ONE option!

She has been in local, public schools every year (except 5th grade), since she started school. This is always an option. This is our current choice, but we aren't sure about high school.

Now, NC has a new option. They have two online Charter Schools. They have been around for a few years, but they are definitely gaining popularity. At the high school level, which is where we will be next year (NO! I can't believe it either!), it is mostly like online college classes. The students work very independently. The parents are just there to mark attendance and make sure they are working (and not getting distracted).

These online Charter Schools are public schools. The Princess would take the same classes she is registered for at the local high school. She would also take the same end of year tests.

In a weird way, it's like homeschooling through the public school.  I wouldn't have to plan anything.

HOWEVER.... in NC..... there is probably going to be a lottery. So, we have applied. The application closes the middle of April. If there are more applicants for 9th grade than there are seats, they will have a lottery.  We can watch it online! :)  (That should be fun!!)  Then we will have to make a decision about if we choose for her to attend there.... so we can get the final paper work done, if she gets in.

Right now, she is registered for our local high school.  It's where my family has gone for generations. My dad went there. My siblings and I went there. My niece and nephews have gone there. EVERYONE (except my mom) went there!  We are #BlackAndGold4Life but we're aren't 100% sure that's the best place for the Princess for the next 4 years.

As with everything, we leave it up to God and His magnificent wisdom.  Sometimes, being human, I just wish He'd make the decision a little clearer a little sooner (ok.... a LOT sooner!)!!! 

So, just like every year, we weigh out our options. We make lists (ok, I make lists) of pros/cons. We talk about it until we think there is nothing left to say... then we talk more about it.

I guess this year I'm more scared because she's going into high school. I probably should have found a way to homeschool her earlier.... then it wouldn't be such a problem right now! :) 

What choices did you make for your child's education?  Why? 


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