Happy Easter.... a little late

I guess it's better late than never, right?


Spring Break started here on Friday.... Good Friday. 

The day care was also closed, so the Princess and I didn't even have to set an alarm!  IT WAS AWESOME! 

She's out all this week.  That means NO ALARMS all week!  So nice!

It also means that when she goes back to school on April 24, there are only 34 days of school left!

You all know how I love my countdowns!  (Yes! I still do them...even though I'm not in a classroom full time!) I may even put it up on the wall in the house.... this has been a tough school year!

Anyways.... Saturday, we went to a few yard sales. Then we went to find the Princess a semiformal dress for some stuff she has coming up.

Sunday, EASTER, we went to church. Since everyone was all dressed for Easter, the pastor had it set up for one of the ladies at church to take pictures of families. Since my parents and my sister and brother (and all most of our kids) were there, my mom decided we were going to have the picture taken together. It took a while (forever, maybe) but we finally got all 17-18 of us in there together on the church steps.

After the pictures, we all went mom and dad's house for lunch. Cookout.... hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill!  The littles "hunted" eggs. (Is it really hunting if they are in the open yard or right where you can see them?)

The rest of us just sat around watching the Braves game and part of a basketball game. (I have no clue who was playing.)

Monday and today have been lazy days. Tomorrow.... we need to start getting stuff done.

The Princess still has to get businesses to donate for her Silver Award. We still have to get all that together and ready for the event in September. 

I'm going to be setting up a Wish List soon for the Better to Give project from church. Be looking for that.... it will be a great way (EASY WAY) for you to help us out!

I hope you all had a HAPPY EASTER!!!!

What did you do for Easter this year?


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