Telemarketing Rant

First, if you are a telemarketer, please don't call me. If I need your services, I will call you.

Second, if you ARE going to ignore the "first," please be courteous.

This morning at 5:30am, YES AM!!!, my phone rang. Because it was before my alarm went off, I didn't look at the time or the caller ID. I just assumed that someone needed help!

I'm not a morning person so my family doesn't call me until after they KNOW I will be awake.... unless it is an emergency.


"Good morning! This is ADT/Honeywell Security."



It's 5:30am!

If you are calling from a computer generated program in another country, please set the clocks so they do NOT wake people up!

This was a robo-call. It wasn't even a human.  But... it's probably the best because I would have been YELLING at a human!

I know...that's not the best attitude to have, but still..... DO NOT CALL ME at 5:30am!

Now.... I'm getting down off my soapbox!

Rant is over!

What aggravates you? 


Tony Quart said…
I know what you feel. These telemarketers are indeed very persistent and annoying. I might have a suggestion, a very good suggestion for you. I read at about someone who sued a company because of their multiple unsolicited robocalls. I think you could try this too.

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