Chowan University: Second Visit

 Back in August, we visited Chowan University. 

The campus is small, about 1200 undergraduate students. 

When you pull in, you notice the simple beauty of it. 



Columns Building

They are decorated for Christmas, but everything is Chowan blue!

While we were there, we talked to her admissions counselor, he gave us the tour.

We also talked to financial aid!  Oh my!  If you didn't know already, college is expensive! (No matter where you attend!)

Finally, we spoke with the athletic director. If Chasity attends Chowan, she will probably be on the bowling team. With her average and skill level, she should fit in well there. 

The best part of the long drive to there and back was the cotton fields. They were EVERYWHERE! We found the closest Wal-Mart to Chowan, and there were cotton fields on three sides of the parking lot. 

I wanted to touch the cotton, but I never got out of the car to do it. I should have!!

These were the fields near Wal-Mart.

These are the ones that were on the way home from Chowan. Well.... a couple of the hundreds that we passed on the way. 

We went down Sunday night and stayed in Roanoke Rapids, NC. Monday morning I drove the 30+ miles to the University, so I did not get any pictures on the way there. I made Tony drive really slowly so that I could get these pictures of the cotton, the fields, and the sun setting. 


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